Do you want to be a flight attendant?

Do you want to be a flight attendant? If the answer is YES then continue reading..

flight attendant

Did you know I went to two failed airline interviews before I landed my dream job with Emirates Airline? You can read about all the interviews here, here, here, and here. I list some really helpful do’s and don’ts that I picked up on. I did a ton of research – and had a few of my own personal trials and errors.

My best friend in this entire job-hunting process was not a person – but a website! This will be YOUR best friend too. This website updates DAILY.  It lists most commercial/private airlines and when they might be hiring. It also will tell you any open-house interviews they might be conducting in a town near you! This website definitely deserves all the credit , click “latest job openings” to see current postings. This website informed me when Emirates had an open house interview in San Francisco!

If anyone ever asks me tips for becoming a flight attendant, this website is the first thing I give them!

I already highlighted tips of how to prepare for an interview here so I wont go over that again.

Flying has it all.. excitement, satisfaction, exhaustion, thrills, homesickness, new adventures, wonder, defining moments. The good and the bad combined, it was an experience I am so lucky to have had.

Good luck!

TBT to circa 2016


Gorilla Trekking

Things you should know before going Gorilla Trekking

{one} Gear

I had planned on wearing jeans and a t-shirt when I went gorilla trekking. The day before we were supposed to leave we found out that you actually need some special equipment. A quick trip to the mall fixed that problem!

-Shoes & Socks (hiking shoes, thick socks that are long)

-Rain jacket with a hoodie (light weight and water resistant. rain in the rain forest is no joke)

-Long sleeve shirts (So you don’t get scraped from brush and trees. You do some pretty heavy hiking through some nasty brush. I wore my rain jacket the entire time so this didn’t really even matter)

-Pants (You need a material that is pretty water resistant. I bought some adidas jogging pants that was made to be water resistant.)

-Backpack (size doesn’t really matter because you don’t need to hold too much. Just your lunch and water, and anything extra you want to bring when you are hiking. My friend had a camelbak which she liked.

-Gloves & walking stick (The guides at the rain forest recommended these items, and some people had them. Gloves were for when you had to grab vines and onto trees etc and the stick for walking. We didn’t bother with them and I don’t think you really need it. And the walking stick seemed to be in the way sometimes.)


{two} The 10 Hour Drive

This depends where you fly into and how far away you are. But I think its going to be a long drive no matter which direction you come.

We flew into Entebbe Airport and drove 2 hours to our hotel, Red Chili Hideaway in Kampala, where we spent the night. We bought a  3-day package deal with the gorilla trekking that included transport, meals, and lodging. But what we didn’t realize that it would take so long to reach the Gorillas. As we were getting into our little bus, our driver told us how long it would take. Road trip across Uganda?!

This means you have to plan when you drink water, and be prepared to do your business on the side of the road. Sometimes you have no choice! In our case, this happened twice.

Our driver stopped at the equator line for pictures and breakfast.

Pretty cool.

(pictured is our little safari car we drove in)


{three} Skin

 mosquito/insect repellent!

sunscreen !

face wipes !

I think the first two are a given, most people know to bring them. But the last item was a savior ! I just brought along some makeup remover wipes. And we used them for everything. Wiping our hands, our sweaty faces and bodies, cleaning things.

{four} Etc

Things we brought that I was glad to have : snacks for the early morning wake up calls,  a good water supply, battery charger , lots of cash – they take US dollars. I would actually bring some more smaller bills, by the end of it we only had 50’s and 20’s and it got a little tricky. But even if that was the case, we just got change back in the local currency which I think is a cool souvenir.

Also, I have never felt like more of a celebrity than in Uganda. Especially once we got out of the city (Kampala) and the closer we got to Bwindi National Park. Everyone stares. But its not really a rude stare, it just feels like they never see white people. The kids are super fun,  big smiles and they love to wave. Keep your waving hands ready.

Also, gorillas smell.

Like really bad B.O.


Our guide with his machete ! Sometimes he would have to cut brush to create a path.


Our group spying on a gorilla.


We were very lucky with our gorillas. We saw them playing/wrestling, a baby 1 month gorilla climb a little tree, it rained (not too much but just enough to say , oh hey rainforest), and two gorillas climbed to the top of some trees to eat.


Once we got back to our camp, it rained soooo hard. We enjoyed the show as we drank our coffee and rested.


Try a rolex ! Its chapati bread with omelette and onions and tomatoes. Basically a breakfast burrito. Ask them to add avocado. Yummmm.

The List

The list of flights I have yet to do.

* are top of the list

Let’s see how many I can check off before November !
I swapped on to Tunisia this month, so that will be the first  ✔️


Here is the typed out version of the list, so I can add the new routes we have as well as cross the places off the list that I have been to since I made it.

Warsaw, Poland

Sao Paolo , Brazil

Taipei, Taiwan

Chennai, India

Perth, Australia

Adelaide, Australia

Trip: BKK – SYD- CHR

Nice, France

Rio De Janeiro , Brazil

Barcelona , Spain

Nairobi , Kenya

Colombo, Sri lanka

Flight :Seychelles


Denmark, Copenhagen

Budapest , Hungary

Tunis, Tunisia

Casablanca, Morocco

Saigon, Vietnam

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Kolkatta , India

Algiers, Algeria

Cebu, Philippines

Hannoi, Vietnam

Balogna, Italy

My 2nd date with Zurich

It took me almost a year and a half to spend the day with Zurich again. And I seriously wonder why it took me so long. This city is amazing.


One hundred and eighty seven steps to the top! I’m so glad I had read a review about paying the four francs and seeing this view from Grossmünster. I never would have known about this amazing vantage point of seeing the city 👌




And now let’s talk about the “backyard” of my hotel. Out of this world views. I feel like because I live in Dubai and see only sand, whenever I go someplace that has trees and normal seasons, I freak out a little.


I just have to say, the Swiss drinking fountain is way cooler than the American way.



Wittle baby Christmas trees?! 😍

Dubai Things to Do: WAFI

If you know me, you know I like cheap.

And what is cheaper then free?!

So if you find yourself in Dubai, on a Sunday night, around 8pm, come to WAFI.

“Join us every Sunday from 8.30pm to enjoy incredible movies on our giant beanbags, whilst munching on fantastic popcorn and hotdogs with the coolest beverages in Dubai’s most popular venue to really ‘chill out’ – the Rooftop Gardens.”

Doggy Heaven

I love you, baby.

I will miss you so much.


Things we can learn from dogs:

1. Run, romp and play daily

2. Never pretend to be something you’re not

3. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy

4. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm

5. Take naps and stretch before rising

6. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them

7. Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory

8. Be loyal

9. When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience

10. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it

11. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle gently

12. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

13. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree

14. Never pass up the opportunity to play a game of hide and seek.

15. When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body – and sometimes kick your feet.

16.No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout….run right back and make friends

17. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

18. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.


She was this little cute black thing with floppy ears when we got her, and my entire 7 year old self fell in love.

zIMG_2419 copy

RIP baby.

Even though I wish I could’ve seen you one last time in June, I am glad you are out of pain.

I cant wait to see you in doggy heaven.



Emirates Airlines update!

My status changed online.

From “Approval in Progress” to “You will be contacted by a recruiter”.

And since I haven’t gotten an email yet….its a good thing, right?!
I hope they call me tomorrow. And tell me my start date will be the end of January (so that I can be here for Christmas, of course.).

Fingers crossed!

Hi, my name is Elmo!

How you make an Elmo Cupcake.

First of all, you need some cupcakes.

And you take a nice big scoop of buttercream ( I use a large ice cream scooper).

That will be Elmo’s brain.

Next you will need a lot of red frosting and this piping tip:

It will make all of Elmo’s luscious locks.

Piping the hair is the hardest part. It’s such a workout! And getting it to have length can be a little challenging at first.

Pretend like you are making grass. And remember to keep squeezing the butter cream as you pull away – don’t stop.

To make his eyeballs and nose nice and smooth, dab your finger in water and press on the buttercream.

Next! My favorite part: his oreo mouth!

Elmo!!! People love these cupcakes and they never last very long. Too bad he’s such a stinker to make.

We had one tragedy… RIP little guy.


When Going to a Flight Attendant Interview..

..never show up late.

{I can speak on personal experience for this one. Showing up late is a major offense in the Flight Attendant world, mainly because they run on being ON TIME. That is part of your job. And if you can’t even show up to your interview on time, then what does that say to the rest of your career?}

Always come professionally dressed.

{Nothing screams “DONT HIRE ME!” louder than arriving at an Open House, wearing last years red hoochie-mama dress, a messy bun, and a loud personality. Come how they describe. Nice pants/skirt, blouse, and a business jacket that neatly buttons up. Nude panty-hose stockings, and black high heals – along with a neat bun and a pretty smile, will all help seal the deal.}

Bring everything that they ask you to bring.

{The normal requirements are a Photo of yourself, a Resume, Cover letter, along with some paper and a pen. Occasionally they want copies of your High School diploma. Double check everything that they want you to bring! And if you have a nice binder to bring it in, even better.}

Research your airline your are applying for.

{They all love it when you can tell them why their airline is the best. How many countries do they fly to? Are they expanding? How quickly, and with what new destinations? What makes their airline unique? The customer service? Do your research, and come with your notes!  }

Find out common questions Airline Interviewers may ask.

{After an interviewer has asked a question, no one likes an awkward pause. So by doing a little research, and pre-thinking of some possible answers will significantly help you when you are in the hot seat.}

Keep smiling, but don’t forget your professional attitude.

{Show them your pearly whites! But dont let them think you are some high school girl who cant be a professional adult. I have made the mistake of thinking they wanted someone sooooo outgoing and smiley and nice, and then realizing afterwards how silly I looked. Make sure you are friendly, but not high school girl friendly.}

And just remember, if you aren’t hired don’t let that get you down. Everyone I talk to has had to interview multiple times!

Good luck!!