Our HH Critics

Before the episode aired, I was terrified that I was going to be this crazy beech of a sister, ranting and raving about everything I wanted. I mean, c’mon, two ovens were on my wishlist! (PS that was on my “wishlist” but I knew it wasn’t really going to happen. HH Producer took it and made me strongly encouraged me to be very decided on having it.)

I actually think the episode was hilarious, and I wasnt as awful as I imagined I would be.

Well,  my sister figured out that if you search “HouseHunters” on twitter, you can see what people are saying. Aaaaand is it FUN! Hahaha.

Our Critics have this to say about our episode…

m_lynch  @MarilynLynch

Dear chick on Househunters, saying you want to have “tea parties” means you’re too immature to own a home.

Bradley Larcher@bragzter

Thought children alone that had tea parties #househunters

Liz Monopoli@lizmonopoli

I love #househunters but lately the people on it have been stupid.

.. xO *@AmandaSharonxO

If this annoying piggybacking ass little sister doesn’t shut up about her wish list for her sister’s home on #HouseHunters .. Moocher!

But at least I have one fan..

He tweeted twice about me ! Thats all that matters 😉

Frankly LFC@frankly_lfc

The blonde on #HouseHunters Sacramento right now is really cute. Wonder if those cakes she bakes are as good as they look.

Frankly LFC@frankly_lfc

Jessica from #HouseHunters needs to go on a date with me! she’s cute, perky, good sense of humor, and bakes. I’m jealous.

Ahhhaha, I’m enjoying this too much!

PS Tea parties are extremely fun by the way. To quote Shannon…” All tea parties are, is our friends getting together, laughing, eating delicious food, and drinking tea.” How weird is that!?

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